QSA Links

Students will be able to:
•    investigate and analyse specifications, standards and constraints in the development of design ideas

•    generate and evaluate design ideas and communicate research, design options, budget and timelines in design proposals
•    select resources, techniques and tools to make products that meet detailed specifications

•    plan, manage and refine production procedures for efficiency

•    make products to meet detailed specifications by manipulating or processing resources

•    identify, apply and justify workplace health and safety practices

•    evaluate the suitability of products and processes against criteria and recommend improvements

•    investigate and analyse specifications, standards and constraints in the development of design ideas

generate and evaluate design ideas and communicate research, design options, budget and timelines in design proposals

Students will know:
•    Product design and production decisions are influenced by aspects of appropriateness and by detailed specifications, constraints and standards of production

•    Characteristics of resources are compared, contrasted and selected to meet detailed specifications and predetermined standards of production to best suit the user

•    Techniques and tools are selected, controlled and managed to manipulate or process resources to meet detailed specifications and predetermined standards of production

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