
Production Specifications MIN MAX

Dragster Body

A Dragster body length 200mm 305mm
B Dragster body height at rear with wheels
C Dragster body mass/weight with wheels 45g 170g
D Dragster body width including wheels

Axle / Alxle holes / Wheelbase

E Number of axles 2 2
F Bottom of axle hole above bottom of dragster 5mm 10mm
G Rear axle hole from rear of dragster 9mm 100mm
H Wheelbase 105mm 270mm

Spacers / Washers / Clips

I Spacer washers
J Axle clips of similar

Power plant

K Power plant: Depth of hole 50mm 52mm
L Power plant: Housing thickness (around entire housing) 3mm
M Power plant: Housing (diameter) please use a 3/4 inch drill for best results 19.5mm 3/4'
N Power plant: Lowest point of chamber diameter to race surface with wheels 26mm 36mm

Screw eyes

O Screw eye of eyelet inside diameter 4mm 8mm
P Screw eyes (2) distance apart at farthest point 155mm 270mm


Q Wheels: Front diameter 32mm 37mm
R Wheels: Front width at surface contact point 2mm 5mm
S Wheels: Rear diameter 30mm 40mm
T Wheels: Rear at surface contact point 15mm 18mm